Amenities & Facilities
1.What is the purpose of the Canyon Lake POA ID Card?
The Canyon Lake POA ID card is your membership identification. It must be provided in order to access the pool, purchase alcoholic beverages at the Lighthouse Restaurant & Bar and it can give you access to the community without a vehicle decal. Member Services will issue you a Canyon Lake POA ID card.
2.Where are the parks in Canyon Lake?
Canyon Lake has an abundance of parks. View them here.
3.Can I reserve a park for a special event?
The Canyon Lake POA takes reservations for the pavilion areas that are available at Holiday Harbor Park and Roadrunner Park and also the stage at Indian Beach. To reserve these areas, please call the Activities Department at 951.244.6841 x610.
Assessments & Fees
1.When are monthly assessments due?
Monthly assessments are due on the first of every month and late after the 15th. If the Canyon Lake POA office is closed on the 15th, please make sure that payment is received prior to the 15th.
2.What form of payment is accepted for charges or fees?
The Member Services office accepts check and credit/debit card. Cash is not accepted.
Citations & Violations
1.What are citations and violations?
Community Patrol enforces the Canyon Lake POA's Rules & Regulations by issuing citations. Members may receive violations for not adhering to the Canyon Lake POA's Architectural Guidelines as published in its Rules & Regulations.
2.I've received a citation, what should I do?
If you have received a notification regarding a citation and would like to make a payment, please have the citation number (located at the top right-hand corner of the citation) and chose from the following options:
- Mail a check or money order made out to Canyon Lake Property Owners Association to: 31512 Railroad Canyon Road Canyon Lake, CA 92587
- Pay in person at the Canyon Lake POA Office located at 31512 Railroad Canyon Road in Canyon Lake with a check, money order or credit card
- Pay over the phone with a credit or debit card by calling the Member Services department at 951.244.6841 x310
3.I received an architectural violation, what do I do?
If you have received a notification regarding a fine(s) for an architectural violation(s) and would like to make a payment, please refer to the PC number (ex: PC.8.9) located on the letter or the name of the violation and chose from the following options:
- Mail a check or money order made out to Canyon Lake Property Owners Association to 31512 Railroad Canyon Road Canyon Lake, CA 92587
- Pay in person at the Canyon Lake POA Office located at 31512 Railroad Canyon Road in Canyon Lake with a check, money order or credit card
- Pay over the phone with a credit or debit card by calling the Member Services department at 951.244.6841 x310
1.How do I receive Canyon Lake POA news?
The Canyon Lake POA sends out an email newsletter every Thursday with important information about the community. All Canyon Lake POA members who have provided an email address are automatically subscribed to receive these email newsletters. To check your email on file or manage your subscriptions, visit My Info in the Member Portal.
2.Where can I get a copy of Canyon Lake Living?
Canyon Lake Living is a quarterly publication that includes the latest Canyon Lake POA news, activities, and events. Copies are available at the following locations:
- Canyon Lake POA Office
- Canyon Lake Golf & Country Club
- Canyon Lake Lodge
- Canyon Lake Senior Center
- Canyon Lake Golf Pro Shop
- Happy Camp
- Canyon Lake Pool
Release Dates
Canyon Lake Living issues are generally released three times each year:
- Spring
- Summer
- Fall
3.How do I receive email or text alerts from the Canyon Lake POA on news, events, and emergency situations?
All Canyon Lake POA members who have provided an email address are automatically subscribed to receive our weekly community email newsletter. There are also other categories of email notices members may sign up for. To manage email subscriptions, visit My POA in the Member Portal.
CodeRED Community Notification System (managed by City of Canyon Lake)
The City of Canyon Lake sends out text alerts through their CodeRED notification system. For information about CodeRED notifications, visit the City of Canyon Lake's website.
4.Is the Canyon Lake POA on social media?
Yes, you can follow the Canyon Lake POA social media pages at:
Lake Algae FAQ
1.What are algae?
- Algae are photosynthetic organisms (plants) found naturally in marine and freshwater environments.
- They produce their own food through photosynthesis and are vital for the well-being of marine and freshwater ecosystems.
2.Are any local agencies addressing algae concerns in Canyon Lake?
The Lake Elsinore and San Jacinto Watershed Authority (LESJWA) was formed to improve water quality in Lake Elsinore and Canyon Lake. This organization is made up of stakeholders from around the watershed who are implementing programs such as the alum treatments to Canyon Lake. Many of these programs are grant funded and are a result of numerous lake studies.
3.Who is responsible for lake warnings or closures based on the risk of cyanobacteria or toxins?
- The Canyon Lake POA and EVMWD have partnered on the development and implementation of an HAB monitoring and sampling program.
- The Canyon Lake POA will post signs based on varying risk levels, and for closing/reopening the lake in response to known conditions.
4.When do algae bloom?
- Conditions for algae blooms are ideal when there is an oversupply of nutrients in a lake, such as phosphorus and nitrogen from lawn fertilizers, high temperatures, low oxygen levels in the water, little water movement, and low water levels.
- Algae blooms result when phytoplankton, organisms living on water surfaces, reproduce rapidly and cause dense buildups.
- In a balanced ecosystem, phytoplankton are the food base for many other organisms. However, with an oversupply of nutrients, they experience excessively high growth rates that result in algal blooms.
5.Are algae bad for the lake?
In a balanced ecosystem, most algae are necessary to keep a body of water healthy and productive. However, excessive algae growth reduces water clarity, releases a strong odor, and suffocates aquatic life forms by depleting oxygen levels and blocking sunlight.
6.What are Blue-Green Algae (BGA)?
- While BGA looks very similar to normal algae, it is actually not an algae at all, but a cyanobacteria naturally found in fresh and salt water systems.
- Cyanobacteria have existed in water bodies for centuries and our understanding of them and detection of toxins has improved in recent decades.
- Similar to algae, cyanobacteria use photosynthesis, as well as nitrogen and phosphorus for food.
- Not all BGA blooms are harmful, as only a few very specific strains produce toxins that can result in moderate to severe health complications in humans and animals.
- Toxicity of the algae bloom cannot be detected by simple observation and requires a collection of water samples and lab analyses.
7.What should a resident do when they see an algae bloom?
Refrain from going into water that is foamy, scummy, pea-green, blue-green, brownish red, or looks like floating paint.
8.When in doubt, stay out!
- Do not allow children or pets to play in or drink the water until the algae bloom subsides and drops to the lake bottom. If pets swim in water tinted with an algae bloom, rinse them off immediately.
- Water with mats of algae should not be used for cooking, even if it is filtered or boiled.
9.Do alum treatments being applied to Canyon Lake help reduce algae blooms?
- The alum treatments are designed to reduce the phosphorus levels in Canyon Lake. Common sources of phosphorus include fertilizers, pet waste, natural mineral erosion, and existing lake sediment.
- Phosphorus is often the limiting nutrient for algae, therefore removal of it will likely reduce algae growth.
10.Why hasn't the alum applications prevented algal blooms in the coves?
In some situations, where lake waters are particularly stagnant and shallow as evident around lake coves, algae growth may still occur despite repeated alum treatment. Usually the algae mats in the coves will dissipate over time and drop away within 2-3 weeks.
11.Is there anything I can do to reduce algae?
Yes, together we can all help reduce nutrient inputs to the lake by picking up after our animals, reducing runoff from our irrigation, reducing fertilizer use, and avoid littering in our streets. All of these practices reduce the amount of pollutants that end up in Canyon Lake, which can lead to algae growth.
12.Do algae affect our drinking water?
Canyon Lake is a drinking water reservoir that EVMWD seasonally utilizes to offset costly imported water. After proper treatment, algae does not have any negative health impacts, but can add an earthy taste to drinking water.
13.Who tests Canyon Lake for algae blooms?
In recent years, algae testing has been conducted at Canyon Lake by the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP) and LESJWA. These tests are not required by State or Federal law and are used for research purposes to help improve water quality.
Lake Lease Updates
1.What are the total legal fees Canyon Lake POA spent on Lake Lease litigation?
Between August, 2011 and March, 2017, the Canyon Lake POA spent $1,066,931.93 on legal fees related to the Lake Lease, which includes negotiations and preparing and filing litigation.
2.Does this mean the litigation between Canyon Lake POA and EVMWD is over?
Some of the litigation is over, but not all of it. Specifically, the "Tax Case" (Riverside Superior Court Case Number RIC 1504034) and (Court of Appeal Case Number CIV Number E065705) which was on appeal, has been dismissed. However, the "Declaratory Relief Case" (Riverside Superior Court Case Number 1503428) is still pending. The reason why the Declaratory Relief Case is still pending is that there are a few important issues that must be resolved, which were not the subject of the 5th Amendment. Specifically, there appears to be some incongruity as to where the border of the Lake, and shore zone, actually lies, and the parties want a definitive determination as to where that important boundary is.
The parties also want to come to create a uniform process for future encroachments into the Lake and onto the shore zone, which involves all the necessary stakeholders, i.e. CLPOA, EVMWD, and CLPOA's members. There needs to be a standardized process so everything is as consistent, fair, and predictable as possible.
Mandatory RFID Transition
1.What is RFID? What is an RFID transponder?
RFID is an acronym for Radio Frequency Identification Device. The RFID transponder is the physical tag applied to the vehicle or golf cart, which triggers the gate to open.
2.How does RFID work?
At each gate there is an RFID panel which is programmed to read the RFID transponder. When the panel reads a valid RFID transponder, it will automatically open the gate arm.
Please note, vehicles in the RFID lane without a transponder can cause the lanes to back up, as they have to communicate with the attendants and then be turned around and re-enter through the guest lane. One or more of these instances — which can take several minutes — can magnify backups at busy times.
3.Who can get an RFID transponder?
RFID transponders are for Canyon Lake POA members only. To receive an RFID transponder, members must bring the current vehicle registration and the actual vehicle to the Canyon Lake POA's Member Services office. For information on registration requirements, please contact the Member Services department at 951.244.6841 x310.
4.How do I get an RFID transponder?
RFIDs are for Canyon Lake POA members only. To receive an RFID transponder, members must bring the current vehicle registration and the actual vehicle to the Canyon Lake POA's Member Services office. For information on registration requirements, please contact the Member Services department at 951-244-6841 x310.
5.How will I know when my RFID expires?
Members will receive an emailed notification from dwellingLIVE that is sent out 30 days, 10 days, and the day prior to the RFID expiration. All golf cart RFIDs will expire on May 31.
6.I received the email from DwellingLive, but how do I know which vehicle's RFID is expiring?
You can contact the Member Services department at 951-244-6841x310 and our friendly staff can help you. Alternatively, you can log into your dwellingLive account online to view a list of registered vehicles and their RFID transponder numbers:
- Login to your account at www.community.dwellinglive.com
- If you have multiple properties, select one to review
- Select My Account at the top right
- Scroll down to review Vehicles to see a list of your vehicles and their RFID numbers
7.Do I remove my RFID when it expires?
No, do not remove the RFID. For memberships with an annual expiration (i.e., tenants, sub-associates, resident members) the RFID will be reactivated upon membership renewal.
8.What do I do if I sell my golf cart or vehicle?
Upon the sale of your vehicle or golf cart, please remove the decal (not the RFID transponder) and return it to the Canyon Lake POA office. Once the decal is returned, the RFID will be deactivated.
9.My RFID isn't working, should I remove it?
No, do not remove the RFID. Please contact the Member Services department at 951-244-6841 x310 so that staff may assist in troubleshooting the problem.
New Homeowner Information
1.What is the difference between the City of Canyon Lake and the Canyon Lake Property Owners Association?
City of Canyon Lake
The City of Canyon Lake is a municipality that is governed by a City Council that is the elected body of City Government. The City Council is a five-member, non-partisan board elected at large from the citizens of Canyon Lake. The City Council is responsible for formulating the policies for the City and approving the major actions through which the municipal functions are conducted. For more information about the City, visit their website.
Canyon Lake Property Owners Association (Canyon Lake POA)
The Canyon Lake POA is a private entity. The Canyon Lake POA is a mutual benefit, not-for-profit corporation organized under the Corporations Code of the State of California. The Canyon Lake POA holds elections to choose a Board of Directors that is responsible for the overall operation and management of the community. The Canyon Lake POA owns, maintains, and operates common property and facilities within Canyon Lake.
2.What do I need to lease in Canyon Lake?
The homeowner or eligible property manager needs to complete the Canyon Lake POA Lease Authorization Form and turn it in to the Member Services department.
3.Where do I get my mailbox key if I am a new homeowner?
For any information regarding your mailbox keys, please contact the Sun City Annex Post Office at 951.679.7886. Their address is:
Sun City Annex Post Office
l29700 Haun Road
Sun City, CA
4.Do I have to register my pet?
No, you are not required to register your pet with the Canyon Lake POA; however, all pets must be registered with the City of Canyon Lake at 951.244.2955.
5.How can I access the community with my vehicle?
Canyon Lake has three access gates: the Main Gate, North Gate, and East Gate. Gates are guarded; residents can access the community most efficiently by obtaining an RFID transponder from the Member Services office for $10. RFID transponders allow residents to use the RFID lane at the Main Gate or East Gate. Residents can also obtain a vehicle decal that is affixed to their vehicle windshield and access the community via the decal lanes. Each property is eligible to receive four vehicle decal stickers without charge. Additional vehicle stickers are available at an additional cost. To get a decal, please visit the Member Services office with the vehicle’s current registration (the vehicle sticker will expire one month following the vehicle’s registration expiration date). Please note the following:
- The vehicle must be registered to a member of the property.
- If the vehicle is registered to a company, a letter from the company on company letterhead stating that the vehicle is to be solely used by the member and / or any authorized person must be presented with the vehicle.
- If purchasing a new vehicle, please visit the Member Services office with the temporary registration provided by the DMV.
- Please note that all valid decals must be returned when a vehicle or property is sold.
6.I've just closed escrow. What do I need to access the community?
Congratulations! Please bring the following items to the Canyon Lake POA Member Services office located at 31512 Railroad Canyon Road, Canyon Lake, California.
- Recorded copy of the grant deed OR
- Copy of the grant deed certified by escrow AND
- Copy of the final closing statement AND
- Valid vehicle registrations
Member Services will assist in you obtaining vehicle decals and/or RFID transponders for your vehicle.
Real Estate Agents
1.How many signs can be placed inside the community of Canyon Lake?
A maximum of six (6) personalized signs may be placed inside the community of Canyon Lake. At the following intersections, only one (1) Canyon Lake POA approved broker sign may be placed:
- Canyon Lake Drive South x Continental
- Canyon Lake Drive North x Vacation Drive
- Vacation Drive x Longhorn Drive
2.Where can personalized open house signs be placed?
Personalized signs may be placed on the property, an adjacent street, or at a specified intersection within the community of Canyon Lake. Limit of one (1) sign on any property and at any one (1) intersection.
3.Where can't open house signs be placed?
Open house signs cannot be placed in the streets, on vehicles, on golf carts, trailers of any kind, or on Canyon Lake POA common grounds, and they cannot block the view of a fire hydrant.
4.When can I put open house signs out?
Open house signs may be place one (1) hour before the start of the open house and need to be removed immediately following the close of event.
5.How big can open house signs be?
Open house signs cannot exceed three (3) square feet, and the top of any sign may not exceed three (3) feet off the ground.
6.Are there open house sign appearance restrictions?
Signs must have a professional appearance. No balloons, streamers, or similar material can be added.
7.Are there any exceptions to open house signage restrictions?
A banner/flag up to six (6) feet in height may be placed on the property during the open house. One standard size rider, not to exceed one (1) square foot, may be placed on top of each A-frame sign.
Virtual Services
1.How can I make my assessment paymet?
Monthly assessments are due the first of every month and are considered late after the 15th. Payment options are available by phone, online, or by mail.
- Click Here to Make Payment Online
By Phone
Make your payment by using our automated phone payment system. Toll-free payment number: 951-348-3052
This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. -
By Mail
Payments can be mailed to:
Canyon Lake Property Owners Association
31215 Railroad Canyon Road
Canyon Lake, CA 92587
Please note, the Canyon Lake POA’s new budget takes effect on May 1, 2024. The annual member assessment will be $4,020. Assessments are due on May 1, 2024. Property owners may pay their assessment in full or pay 12 equal monthly payments in the amount of $335 (plus installment fee).
2.How do I renew my RFID?
Email a copy of your current vehicle registration to [email protected]. Our associates will take care of the rest!
3.I just purchased a home in Canyon Lake. What do I do now?
Email your copy of your grant deed recorded or stamped certified by escrow to [email protected].
4.How do I renew my lease?
Property Owners will need to complete the Lease Authorization Form and email it to [email protected].
Website Support
1.I had an account on the old website, do I have one on this website?
All active Canyon Lake POA members have an account on our website, but your account may need to be activated. It will not be the same login as a our last website with CivicPlus. If you have not yet activated your account, click here to request access.
2.I forgot my Member Number
Please complete our Forgot Member Number Form if you forgot or do not know your member number.