
Canyon Lake Little League Opening Ceremonies

Canyon Lake Little League Opening Ceremonies

Opening Ceremonies are right around the corner! Join Canyon Lake Little League on Saturday, March 4 at Gault Field. It is a wonderful day at the baseball field for families and members of our community. All are welcome!

The morning will kick off with breakfast available at the snack bar from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Arrive early and eat breakfast at the fields with family and friends. The snack bar also sells water, coffee, sodas, hot chocolate, energy drinks, Gatorade and more available for purchase.

Player Information

  • Players should be arriving at the fields no later than 9:30 a.m. Please allow extra time to park and walk as parking will be limited. Minor league players should be escorted to their field and checked in with their Manager, Coach and Team Rep.
  • Tballers will meet on field 4 (Tball Field)
  • Single A will meet on field 3 (A/AA Field)
  • Double A will meet at the batting cages located adjacent to field 3 and 4.
  • Triple A and Majors will be given meet locations from their coaches and/or team reps.

Opening Ceremonies

  • Once checked in with their team, parents are encouraged to find a seat or place to view our opening ceremonies that take place on field 2. Players with their teams and coaches will begin entering the field at 9:45 a.m. The ceremonies, including a welcome from the Canyon Lake Little League President, National Anthem, first pitch and a parade of players will begin at 10 a.m. Only Canyon Lake Little League Board Members, Coaches, and Team Reps are permitted on the field during opening ceremonies.
  • At the conclusion, coaches and team reps will take the players back to their original meeting spot to release players back to their parents. Please allow the coaches to release the kids from their fields, to ensure the safety of our littlest players.
  • Games will begin shortly after the conclusion of ceremonies (game schedules will be out this weekend). Families are encouraged to stick around, watch some of the other teams play and enjoy snacks from our concession stand. The majors teams will be manning the grill with hotdogs, hamburgers and brats after 10 a.m.